• Is the Perfect Work Life Balance Possible? Achieving the perfect work-life balance often feels like an elusive goal, especially in our high-speed, always-on world. It’s about more than just managing time effectively; it’s about creating harmony between your career and personal life, nurturing both your......

  • Understanding Chronic Lower Back Pain Causes and Symptoms Oh, the nagging ache of lower back pain! It seems like just about everyone has felt that twinge at some point. It’s more than just an annoyance for many, significantly affecting daily life and well-being. Let’s break......

  • We’ve written about the causes of migraine on the blog before. A migraine is not just a bad headache. It’s a neurological disease that has a variety of symptoms that go beyond head pain. We dive into the four phases that many people experience as......

  • We offer injection therapy at Trident Pain Center because it is a proven safe and effective way to help manage pain with lasting results. Injection therapy is often chosen as a method of pain management in place of expensive surgeries that require weeks of downtime......

  • According to the Migraine Research Foundation, about 39 million people in the United States suffer from migraine. A migraine is more than a bad headache. The symptoms can be debilitating and interrupt people’s daily lives. People may have many migraines a month that interfere with......

  • Muscle pain is exceptionally common.  Nearly everyone has experienced some form of ache or discomfort in their muscles.  This pain can be felt essentially anywhere since there is muscle tissue in almost all areas of the body.  There is not a single, direct cause for......

  • There are various methods to choose from when it comes to dealing with chronic pain.  There are over-the-counter medications such as Motrin or Aleve, prescription pain medications, and physical therapy.  While these options may provide some relief, most of them also have the ability of......

  • Infusion therapy targets a specific location with a regular dosage of medication to lessen or eliminate chronic pain. Infusion therapy allows a health professional to administer the medication directly into the bloodstream in order to change the immune system. Here at Trident Pain Center, we......

  • Pain is often viewed as a purely physical or biological condition. However, pain also has psychological and emotional effects, causing feelings like sadness, hopelessness, anxiety, and even anger. Therefore, to treat chronic pain effectively, it’s essential to address both the physical and psychological aspects.Medical treatments......

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  • Educating Your Family and Friends on Chronic Pain No illness exists in  a vacuum. Living with chronic pain, whether it’s the result of a trauma, a surgery, injury, or condition or disease affects not only the sufferer, but the people in their lives. Caregivers, friends,......

  • Advantages of Massage Therapy Massage therapy is a treatment that can help loosen and release tension and reduce chronic pain, providing you with more mobility and more ability to participate in important activities like physical therapy that can bring long-term benefits. The type of massage......

  • What is an Optimal Wound Healing Environment? Wound care is often a matter of keeping the area covered and moist, keeping out bacteria and maintaining an ideal environment to allow the body to do the work of healing itself. Certain therapies, like hyperbaric oxygen therapy,......

  • Migraine Headache Symptoms​​ The difference between a normal headache and a migraine involve intensity and types of symptoms experienced. Recognizing the early symptoms can give the sufferer time to take preventative measures and apply treatments before the pain develops. Since the attack is usually preceded......

  • Benefits of Psychological Counseling After Accident A car accident, whether the damage was relatively minor or devastating, is a traumatic event. It’s a frightening experience that involves loss of control and may result in pain from injuries. The aftermath of an accident isn’t necessarily limited......

  • When tissue becomes injured, either by a wound, a burn, or other damage, it requires adequate oxygen to heal. Your body can only glean so much oxygen from the air you breathe. Hyperbaric oxygen therapy provides the body with an opportunity to take in increased......

  •   The cervical spine is the part of your back that makes up the upper spine and neck. It contains vertebrae that have pockets of space, including the dura, a sack that embraces the nerve roots, cerebral spinal fluid, and the spinal cord itself. The......

  • Cleaning a home is a surprisingly physical activity that can leave you feeling accomplished, but also worn out and sore, especially if you are prone to lower back pain. With awareness of your approach to each task, and some simple tricks, you can get your......

  • Signs of Fibromyalgia and How it can be Treated The understanding of fibromyalgia is evolving. Since the disorder is so difficult to pin down, diagnosis can be challenging. There is no blood or brain test available at this time for fibromyalgia, so physicians must rely......

  • Sciatica is often associated with back pain, but in truth the pain, tingling, numbness, and weakness tends to travel down through the buttocks and into the upper legs. The symptoms range from mild to severe, but it has a common source- the nerves of the......

  • When you’re waking up with an aching back, or if your back pain grows worse throughout the day,the ache may be caused by muscle tension, caused by stress. Stress can cause back issues and make it worse. Understanding the mechanics and the causes of back......

  • Peripheral nerve blocks are most commonly used to provide a local anesthetic for surgery. They are effective and have few potential side effects. As technology and medical knowledge advance, we have found ways to use peripheral nerve blocks for chronic pain control as well as......

  • Medication is an important component of care for many chronic pain sufferers. Unfortunately, it can be difficult to fill prescriptions and to ensure that you’re getting the right medication when dealing with a third-party pharmacy. Good news! Trident Pan Center now has an in-house pharmacy......

  • Chronic migraine and facial pain sufferers may benefit from a relatively new treatment. The SphenoCath is a treatment that delivers pain relieving medication directly to the sphenopalatine ganglion. This treatment is non-invasive and does not require the use of a needle. It is a brief......

  • Chronic pain touches all aspects of the sufferer’s life. You may be dealing with more than just the physical challenges. Mental health, and your attitude toward your pain and treatment also figure into the treatment plan and outlook. When you visit the Trident Pain Center, you’ll......

  • Your Pain Treatment Center Living with chronic pain affects every aspect of the sufferer’s life. Getting relief from chronic pain requires a multipronged approach that takes into account not only the physical causes of pain, but it’s effect on mobility, strength, ability to carry out......

  • Trigger Point Injections Occasionally, due to stress or injury, muscles develop areas of extreme tension or “knots.” These extreme areas of tension can cause inflammation and irritation in nerves, which in turn carry pain messages to various areas of the body. Even though the painful......

  • Back and leg pain can stem from a number of causes. When a disc is damaged, a nerve is pinched or under pressure due to arthritis or other degenerative conditions of the back, pain and numbness can result. The pain can make movement difficult, restricting......

  • Psychological Counseling You’ve participated in physical therapy. Your doctor has prescribed effective treatments and medications for managing your chronic pain. You’re engaging with your treatment plan and seeing improvements, even if they’re not happening as fast as you might like. So, why does your doctor......

  • Peripheral Nerve Block Peripheral nerve blocks are injected directly into the area surrounding a specific nerve pathway, to deaden the pain in a particular area of the body. It is sometimes used as an anesthetic procedure during a surgical operation, but it can also be......

  • Although a cervical epidural injection may sound intimidating, it is actually a far less invasive procedure than surgery or other options for treating pain and numbness from a pinched nerve. If you suffer from a pinched nerve, herniated disc, arthritis, or spinal stenosis, your doctor......

  • Therapeutic pain blocks can be crucial to patients suffering from severe or chronic pain. Occipital nerve blocks are used to treat chronic and cluster headaches and migraines. It involves injecting a steroid and local anesthetic into the occipital nerves at the back of the head.......

  • For years before the Sphenocath, the only truly effective recurring migraine treatment was a sphenopalatine ganglion nerve block, also known as an SPG block. The sphenopalatine ganglion is a bundle of nerves located behind the sinus cavities that carry sensation and other signals and play......

  • Good news for our West Ashley, SC patients! If you suffer from neck or back pain, whether mild or severe, Trident Pain Center is coming to your community. At our new location in West Ashley, you’ll be able to access the same high level of......

  • Medication is just one of the treatment options for chronic pain. Medication management is important because over time, narcotics can lose their ability to mask chronic pain. With careful management, this dulling can be avoided, keeping medications effective and pain under control. Therapy One alternative......

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  • For patients suffering from chronic pain, especially those who have nerve damage or complex regional pain syndrome, ketamine infusion, administered over multiple days, may reduce and even eliminate symptoms. Studies show a significant reduction in pain over time with ketamine infusion treatments and this treatment......

  • Nearly every adult will suffer neck, back, or head pain at some point in their lives. The pain may be passing or chronic, and mild to severe. When pain is chronic, it can affect every aspect of our lives, having a social, financial, and psychological......

  • When coming in to the Trident Pain Center, it’s important to know what to expect. Preparation for your pain treatment depends upon several factors, not least of which is the individualized treatment plan your team has created for you. Pain Treatment There are several types......

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